Maikrahv Christmas Feasts

Jõulusööminguid pakume novembrist jaanuarini
Jõulusööminguid pakume alates 4-liikmelisest seltskonnast.

Christmas Feast 1


4cl maja Alderman´i napsu


Local fishermen’s choice of herring and Baltic herring

Beef liver pâté and traditional cheese curd with caramelized onion

The Maikrahv Restaurant’s special Caesar salad with smoked duck

Jellied meat with horseradish mousse

Fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, olives and pearl onions

Maikrahv Christmas pumpkin soup

Main courses:

Pork roast in mustard and cream sauce

Blood sausages wrapped in bacon with loganberry jam

Roasted potatoes seasoned with herbs

Estonian sauerkraut


Maikrahv Christmas cake with berry compote and crème anglaise


Christmas Feast 2


4cl maja Alderman´i napsu


Local fishermen’s choice of herring and Baltic herring

The Maikrahv Restaurant’s special Caesar salad with smoked duck

Jellied meat with horseradish mousse

Fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, olives and pearl onions

Main courses:

Pork roast in mustard and cream sauce

Blood sausages wrapped in bacon with loganberry jam

Roasted potatoes seasoned with herbs

Estonian sauerkraut


Maikrahv Christmas cake with berry compote and crème anglaise

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