Jõulusööminguid pakume novembrist jaanuarini
Jõulusööminguid pakume alates 4-liikmelisest seltskonnast.
Christmas Feast 1
❖ 4cl maja Alderman´i napsu
❖ Local fishermen’s choice of herring and Baltic herring
❖ Beef liver pâté and traditional cheese curd with caramelized onion
❖ The Maikrahv Restaurant’s special Caesar salad with smoked duck
❖ Jellied meat with horseradish mousse
❖ Fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, olives and pearl onions
❖ Maikrahv Christmas pumpkin soup
Main courses:
❖ Pork roast in mustard and cream sauce
❖ Blood sausages wrapped in bacon with loganberry jam
❖ Roasted potatoes seasoned with herbs
❖ Estonian sauerkraut
❖ Maikrahv Christmas cake with berry compote and crème anglaise
❖ Sorbet
Christmas Feast 2
❖ 4cl maja Alderman´i napsu
❖ Local fishermen’s choice of herring and Baltic herring
❖ The Maikrahv Restaurant’s special Caesar salad with smoked duck
❖ Jellied meat with horseradish mousse
❖ Fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, olives and pearl onions
Main courses:
❖ Pork roast in mustard and cream sauce
❖ Blood sausages wrapped in bacon with loganberry jam
❖ Roasted potatoes seasoned with herbs
❖ Estonian sauerkraut
❖ Maikrahv Christmas cake with berry compote and crème anglaise